A Homemade Pizza Party

We love interactive kitchen experiences, where everyone can participate, and making pizze together is a blast. Chop, slice, grate and pour various ingredients into small bowls and let people create their favorite pizza choosing from an array of toppings.  

Our pizza night included: (1)  a Margharita Pizza (tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil; (2) Artichoke pizza with Bechemel and Chicken, and a (3) Tomato, Pesto, and Mozzarella  pizza. We made a 4th pizza with sausage, tomato sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese but I guess we ate it too fast– so no photos! 

Margharita Pizza f1.jpg

Margherita Pizza

Artichoke pizza with bechemel and chicken f2.jpg

Artichoke pizza with Bechamel and Chicken

tomato, pesto, mozerella pizza F3.jpg

Tomato, Pesto, and Mozzarella Pizza