Ask Tara: A Valentine's Day Wish

Ask Tara: Hot in the Bedroom, Cool in the Kitchen

Meet Tara, our culinary cupid. Each week we’ll feature one of your questions about two of life’s universal pleasures – Food & Romance. Email your pressing question about food, romance, sex and relationships to and be sure to tune in every Thursday. To get things started we spent the holiday season asking people questions for ASK TARA. Here’s to a happy, healthy, very seductive relationship in your future! xoxo


Dear Tara,

Things are hot in the bedroom, but lukewarm in the kitchen, my new husband loves my cooking but with his adventurous culinary palate, lately he seems bored with my food. Help!  Karen– Chelsea, NY


Dear Cool in the Kitchen,

Congratulations you lucky girl, there’s nothing sexier than a man with an adventurous palate! Start with a new diverse spice rack, a new cookbook or two, sexy red candles, a new sexy music selection, and try out some new seductive drinks. Then spend time picking recipes with your man and get cooking together. Be sure to have the fire dept on speed dial as things will heat up in your kitchen….and get even hotter in the bedroom.  Lucky you!  xoxo Tara

Send us your Questions