Crispy Stacked Potatoes

I saw this recipe on and had to try it. Crisp yet tender individual potatoes stacked up for an impressive presentation. I had large potatoes so I used a large muffin pan for six stacks. I made a few changes to the recipe but not much: I added fresh thyme and a bit more cream (1 1/2 tablespoons instead of 1). You could also add grated parmesan or gruyere cheese in-between a few slices for a special treat. I Love this recipe – let us know what you think. xoxo.

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Crispy Stacked Potatoes


  • Unsalted butter, room temperature, for muffin cups
  • 2-3 medium russet potatoes (about 3/4 pound each)*
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 9 tablespoons heavy cream (1.5 per stack)
  • Fresh Thyme

*the number of potatoes will depend on how large and tall your muffin pan is. 


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly brush 6 muffin cups with butter. 
  2. Thinly slice potatoes. Place 3 slices in each cup and season with salt, pepper and some fresh thyme. 
  3. Continue adding potatoes, seasoning every few slices, until cups are filled. 
  4. Pour 1.5  tablespoon heavy cream over each. 
  5. Bake until potatoes are golden brown and tender when pierced with a knife, 30 to 35 minutes. 
  6. Run a thin knife around each gratin. 
  7. Using a large spoon –  gently lift out each stack and set on a serving platter or to individual plates. Tip: If a potato sticks to the bottom of the pan, you can lift out the second slice up. 

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