Falling in Love with Istanbul

Falling in Love with Istanbul

“If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul.”  -Alphonse de Lamartine
I have done food, I have done events, I have done interiors so why not travel! After being asked for the last 20 years by our most discerning clientele, finally, I am excited about this new adventure for Room Temp by Moshe in guiding an intimate and exclusive tour of Istanbul, my birth city. A journey that will promise nostalgia and romance! Travel agents think it should be renamed “The Romantic City,” for Istanbul has the power to inspire souls and lift hearts like no other. I hope some of you will join me or simply follow my adventures on upcoming blog posts.
Our first tour is in May, however I could not wait until then to visit my beloved city, so I am following my heart to Istanbul to celebrate New Years Eve.
Here is a Seduction Meals exclusive: 
I will be smashing pomegranates as well as a Turks heart! xoxo
Photo Credit: We came across this video on youtube for the new Sony professional camcorder HXR-NX3. This video shows “beauty images”, highlighting the quality and production of the camera and they chose the subject to be Istanbul! Perfect timing as we are promoting our tour of Istanbul for this spring!