Poached Eggs and Smoked Trout Brunch (In Bed)

Poached Eggs and Smoked Trout Brunch (In Bed)

Late Sunday morning, a bit groggy after a fun-filled Saturday night. Slip out from under the comforter, mosey-on into the kitchen – a cat rubs against my leg. I open the blinds to let the sun in. Turn on soft classical music to ease into the day. I sip a cup of coffee as I make breakfast and then load breakfast tray. Back in bed – he pulls back the blankets – I lay down the tray. Steaming coffee with cream, poached eggs over smoked trout on toast – a side of sauteed spinach and a bowl of fresh strawberries. Sunday breakfast in bed.. me and my baby. Is there a better way to start the day?


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