refreshing strawberry lassi

Lassi (pronounced luh-see), is a popular and traditional Punjabi yogurt-based drink of India and Pakistan. It is made by blending yogurt with water or milk and Indian spices. Traditional lassi is sometimes flavored with ground roasted cumin. Sweet lassi, blended with sugar or fruits instead of spices, is also very popular.

strawberry_lassi.jpgStrawberry Lassi


  • 1 pint of fresh strawberries, roughly chopped
  • 3 cups of cold water
  • 1 cup low fat plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of raw sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of rose water
  • a pinch of ground cardamon
  • garnish with fresh ground pepper


  1. Place strawberries and water in a blender and mix until smooth
  2. Add rest of ingredients and blend well
  3. Pour into chilled glasses and serve