seafood seduction on Valentine’s Day

This Seafood Seduction menu for Valentine’s Day will dazzle your date from start to finish. What better way to sound off this special occasion than with the “pop” of a champagne bottle being opened.  Pour two glasses of sparkling deligt as you settle in to your romantic dinner for two. Sultry music softly sets the tone, the table is perfectly set with beautiful flowers and candles aglow; the setting is warm and inviting.  With your second glass of champagne, bring out the first course–grilled oyster with roquefort cheese. Arriving just in time for Valentine’s Day, when you purchase a bottle of Veuve Clicquot
Rosé you also get the limited edition Sakura Blossom Ice Jacket (see below) which makes for a lovely presentation and and keeps the
bottle of Rosé fresh for two hours…should  your bottle ever
last that long (can’t imagine that). 

The main course is a classic seafood entree–Bouillabaisse made with a combination of white fish, clams, mussels, and shrimp. For a special dinner like Valentine’s Day I would add lobster as well. We end this seduction meal with a 25 layer crêpe cake that combines delicate crêpes layered with a light
filling of chocolate pastry créme and finished
with a beautiful bruleed top. Just click on the title of each dish to be taken to the recipe. 


Grilled Oysters with Roquefrot Cheese & Red Wine Vinaigrette
Vueve Clicquot Rose
Seafood Bouillabaisse
25-Layer Crepe Cake with Chocolate Ganache

Char-grilled oysters with roquefort cheese and red-wine vinaigrette and a glass of Vueve Cliquot Rose.

char-grilled_oysters_vueve_cliquot.jpgMAIN COURSE

25 layer Chocolate Crêpe Cake  – $50
For something decidedly different and ready to order, try Charleston Crêpe Company’s sensational chocolate cake. Bringing the tradition of crêpe making from the City of Light to the Holy City, the crafty couple behind Charleston Crêpe Company traveled the world perfecting their recipe.  Their signature 25 layer crêpe cake combines delicate crêpes layered with a light filling of vanilla or artisanal chocolate pastry créme and finished with a beautiful bruleed top. Also available in vanilla.