Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Seduction Meals Horoscope for July 2015

Stepping into the summer your life is full of opportunities. Check out this month’s Horoscopes by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel to get her advice and details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology Header


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

Your sense of urgency is what makes you a frontrunner when it concerns getting the job done, Aries. But this month, you will want to stop and think about what you want to achieve before forging ahead impulsively. When it concerns affairs at home and with family, pay attention to your own intuition rather than what someone else thinks you should do. To attract the attentions of someone special, put time and effort into looking and feeling good. The better you feel about yourself, the better you will feel about someone else. And this month, you can fall in love without even thinking about it. If in a relationship, make sure you put time aside to spend with your honey and let them know how special they are to you. Seduction Magic: Spontaneity adds passion to your love life.


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

This is a month to be true to you and that means when you communicate and discuss issues with others, but then be sure to say it how it is, and not what you think someone else wants you to say. When you speak from your heart, you will have no regrets. Collaboration with others is crucial to get ahead this month, and keep in mind that even if you can go it alone, you are better when you work with others, both on a personal and professional level. Singles can connect with someone special this month, and then your relationship can settle into the ‘getting to know you’ stage. For couples, the more you can focus on your own self-development the better your relationship will be. Seduction Magic: Be first to reach out – a generous heart is an attractive heart!


gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

Money matters are your top focus during July. You have a chance now to do things differently, and rearrange the way you deal with your financial affairs so this area of your life will be more beneficial for the future. Some things will go in your favor and others will highlight where you need to incorporate change. Once you get direction, its all systems go! But be wary of financial dealings with friends. And be careful of how you communicate – don’t assume others are on the same page; be prepared to spell it out to them. A new creative project can be a winner – trust your instincts. But don’t fill every moment thinking of money and business, love and family also need your attention, especially as love planet Venus moves to your home zone this month. Your attention will be focused on spending time with those you love. Seduction Magic: When you share your inner self, you build intimacy.


cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

Your sign is jammed packed with planets and activity this month, which is sure to keep you on your toes – no time for trivia, so make sure you focus on priorities and reschedule or postpone everything and everyone else. New Moon magic mid month can highlight the start of something new and fabulous. The full Moon in your relationship area early in the month (the first of two full Moons this month) can highlight how you really feel about someone, and how intense your feelings are. Money matters will get your attention and a connection between Venus and Jupiter suggests your cash flow will increase. There is a lot happening, keep life in perspective and wait for the pieces to fall into place before doing anything drastic. Seduction Magic: When you release the past you open yourself up for a new love connection and experience.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

This month, you can move ahead with confidence! In many ways you can win big time now, but you will also have some battles to face and situations to overcome to get what you want – nothing a Leo can’t handle. The first of the month starts off with a beneficial lucky interaction between Venus, the planet of love and money, and Jupiter, planet of abundance and expansion, both in your sign. Something fabulous can take place now. With an abundance of activity in the sign before you, as well as a new Moon, a dream of your heart and soul can come true, but it may not end up exactly as you imagine – be flexible. As Venus moves to the next sign, even just for a few weeks, she will help you manage money. And your love life gains clarity – you may find that you care about someone more than you thought. Seduction Magic: Your star is shining brightly; when you are happy and exuberant, love can find its way to you.


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

For Virgo, good friends rate high on your list, and this month, they can come through for you in some way, which can be both exciting and welcomed. You may also find out whose not looking out for your best interests, so pay attention to the red and green lights, especially where money is concerned. Stand by for news at work, which can herald a new development. You have a lot to say this month, as your inspired thought and intuition is working overtime, so don’t hold back – share your thoughts with others. There is a good chance that what you have to say will get the attention of those who can make life-changing decisions. As love planet Venus moves to your sign momentarily, she urges you to get out and socialize – when you step out of your comfort zone you just never now who you may meet. Seduction Magic: Love and life is never one-sided – what you put in, you get back.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

There is a lot of activity in your work zone and something new can take off, and although you don’t want to do anything rash right now, you may not have a lot of time to think things through so be prepared to act quickly. You won’t want to miss out on an opportunity that has your name written all over it. Your home life and relationship/s can be affected by what happens on a business level so you will need to keep everyone in the loop. It is important to stay focused. You don’t want to let an upset at home or around your home environment, interfere with everything else that is going on. Your friends can show their worth now; be grateful for who you have on your side, they can come through for you in a big way. Seduction Magic: Love and friendship go hand in hand – don’t exclude your nearest and dearest from your thoughts.


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

Business matters and career advancement take your attention now, and movement in this area of your life can come though in a favorable and exciting way. But you may have to say goodbye to a situation to allow something new and better to take place. However, everything will settle down, so be patient and let life work itself out in its own time – sometimes, you just have to get out of your own way. Be careful you don’t get involved in a power struggle this month; some things are simply not worth the energy you put in. And often when you are silent you can get your message across, and in a stronger and non-aggressive way. Family is likely to reach out for your attention later in the month and your love life can enter a stage of solid friendship. Seduction Magic: Don’t take life too seriously, get out, mix and mingle, and have fun!


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Money matters are highlighted in your star chart this month – there is a new financial start by working with other people, but also changes can take place so get ready to compromise and negotiate to bring a situation to a favorable conclusion. Jupiter, your ruling planet, interacts in a beneficial connection with love and money planet Venus. This occurs right at the start of the month, but the energy will continue, and it sets the scene for something great to happen, perhaps a situation you have been waiting on can come through now. With love, set time aside to have a deep and meaningful discussion – it may be time to set the record straight with someone you care deeply about. The people you meet now, particularly in the later part of the month, can help with business in some way. Seduction Magic: When you have a soul connection with someone you instinctively know it!



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

Relationships are on your radar now, big time, and you can have a passionate connection with someone that is impossible to ignore. The energy can spark two minds and hearts that can come together and set in motion a love story that commences or continues this month, particularly with the new Moon also in this position of your chart. However, along with passion comes power and there is the possibility of a power play, although if you are mindful of it, you can avoid getting involved in a situation that will not serve you long term. Not every issue is worth going in to battle for. Money matters are also very much in your star chart this month, too, and working with others can bring the most success. In fact, a lucky connection at the start of the month between Jupiter and Venus can set in motion a situation that can be the answer to all your financial prayers. Seduction Magic: If you are looking for love, it can happen this month – get ahead with your work so you can clear the schedule for love.



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
Your attention will be divided this month between love and work. With love, for singles, a connection between Venus and Jupiter can have you crossing paths with a perfect partner, so pay attention to the signs of co-incidence. Couples can move their relationship to the next stage or improve their union in some way. Venus will move from this position momentarily but come back in her retrograde transit at the end of the month, at which time you can settle down more with your love life and take things at a slower pace. Work is hectic and it is important to get organized. There is a new start at your place of work, but there is also the possibility of power plays so be careful of getting involved in other people’s business – best to stay clear of trouble-makers. Seduction Magic: Be prepared to discard your fears of settling down and you can invite a wonderful relationship into your life this month.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

This is a dynamic month, with change on the forefront in more than one area of your life. Work demands your attention, but so does love, and when romance and passion gets the attention of your heart, anything is possible! Venus and Jupiter come together in a lucky and beneficial connection right at the start of the month, and the energy builds to bring a work situation to a successful conclusion. Love is passionate and romantic and as your heart won’t be able to resist a fabulous loving time, you will need to ensure you have a balance between your work and social life. It will be impossible this month to spend all of your time at work, and nor should you – you deserve to be loved and pampered for the beautiful person you are. It is also important now to look after your health and ensure your personal image is nothing short of fabulous. A conversation with family can be enlightening as is a discussion with friends. Seduction Magic: When you are charming you are irresistible, but make sure the other person is worthy of all your wonderfulness!