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Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope February 17 – 23, 2014

Welcome to the Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscopy by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel. Tune in every Monday for details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play.

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February 17 – February 23, 2014




Aries / March 21 – April 19
You can’t afford a negative thought, Aries. Life is full of situations that both support and challenge you, and each has the ability to serve your higher purpose if your perspective allows it. When change is pending at work, make sure you discuss opportunities that support your long-term goals. To meet the right partner or put the zing back in your love life, get involved with groups who share your interests, vision and purpose in life. Seduction Magic: Lunar vibes can turn up the temperature in your love life.



Taurus April 20 – May 20
A lucky break at work heads your way, but with the driving engine of Mars in your work zone, you may feel like it is almost impossible to get on top of things. Time management is crucial and you want to prioritize your schedule. You may feel vulnerable when you reveal your innermost feelings, but it can deepen a relationship. Seduction Magic: Embrace love today by being grateful for past involvements.




Gemini May 21 – June 20
Ruled by the planet Mercury, you need an intimate partner you can have a good debate with, someone who doesn’t take your banter too personally, especially now, with Mercury retrograde. Connections at work can open up options; however, be realistic about what can be achieved in the time frame you are working with. Your patience will be rewarded. Seduction Magic: Some light-hearted flirtation can excite your heart and mind.




Cancer June 21 – July 22
Beware of keeping secrets from your loved one; even neglecting to share all of the details can be considered withholding information. Someone could show their true colors, which may alter how you feel, but don’t make any rash decisions until you’re certain of your next move. Family business has the potential to boost your bank account, but don’t make the same mistakes twice. Seduction Magic: When you can trust someone with your private business, you feel at home in their arms.



Leo July 23 – August 22
The full Moon in your sign can throw your emotions into a spin, which may result in a moment of realization about love and life. If the past holds you back, or family issues disturb you, get to the bottom of hurt and regret and come to terms with it. If you need to express yourself, speak from the heart. A creative opportunity can open doors, but keep in mind that it is likely to bring added responsibility. Seduction Magic: The essence of who you are is majestic; think forward, not back, and embrace your power.



Virgo August 23 – September 22
Professional contacts can help move you up in the world. A new situation at work can be financially viable. Someone’s behavior can show you another side to their personality, and what you do next is entirely up to you. If you need to have a sensitive discussion with a loved one, particularly if it’s about money, make sure you are both on the same page, as misunderstandings can happen now. Seduction Magic: To mesmerize your partner, switch your attention from yourself to them.



Libra September 23 – October 22
Life can be unpredictable, and with Mars in your sign and Uranus opposite, change, especially regarding relationship issues, is the one sure bet. Don’t assume anything. With astral connections to Mars, and Venus the love goddess back in phase, life can take an interesting turn. It would be wise to keep your schedule flexible – your love stars promise action! Seduction Magic: When you can’t get all the vital information, keep your eye out for signs and serendipity.



Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Love matters can become clear now with past issues coming to a head, especially with respect to family. Your reality can undergo major change, but keep life in perspective, as each challenge presents new possibilities to form solid foundations for the future. Everything happens for a reason – don’t prejudge an outcome too soon. Seduction Magic: Nothing stays the same forever; it’s the intrigue of life that makes it so exciting.



Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Be prepared to see things as they are in order to create a harmonious family environment and sense of belonging. With love, don’t let money interfere with a good thing. Your life is destined to be a runaway success, but you still need to be strategic in the way you approach people and situations to get the most out of opportunities. Seduction Magic: Like attracts like – who you are mirrors out to the universe and your encounters are the reflection.




Capricorn December 22 – January 19
This is a year for success, and your patience and hard work can finally pay off. Good news can provide financial security, but with Mercury retrograde don’t be concerned if there are delays. Someone from the past can help you open a door to the future. With Venus in your sign, capitalize on this energy and make yourself available for love. Seduction Magic: Independence within togetherness is the secret to long-lasting-love.




Aquarius  January 20 – February 18
An opportunity at work can present itself, but you want to make sure you don’t repeat the past – you can go down memory lane, but your strength is in creating a better future. When it’s about love, full Moon energy can add a sense of urgency to an emotional situation. Clear your schedule to invite romance into your life; otherwise it may pass you by. Seduction Magic: To attract love, remember that what you think about you bring about!




Pisces February 19 – March 20
There’s plenty of excitement, and you are the main attraction! Intense moments at work can help you decide what you will do next. With love, set your mind on what you want your life to be like; visualization is an important part of the manifestation process. A cash bonus could be yours, but don’t celebrate until you actually have the check securely in the bank. Seduction Magic: To protect your inner soul, mix and mingle with those who share your values.