Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope June 1 – June 7, 2015

Stepping into the month of June, be sure to check out this week’s Horoscopes by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel, for details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology HeaderJune 1 – June 7, 2015


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

Be confident about love. There is no reason why you should be hesitant; get out there and start socializing. Love could be closer than you think but you have to recognize it. On the home front, see a situation for what it is and start making plans, but make sure they are plans, which will last for the future, not just short term. Seduction Magic: Cooking together highlights your family values.


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

Don’t let a financial matter build into something larger than it needs to be, Taurus; if something is unsettled, particularly with a family member, then deal with it. Any upheaval now is a positive sign that things are about to change. Stay focused on materializing your dreams, and eventually, they will become reality. Seduction Magic: A heartfelt chat over a romantic dinner can solve just about anything.


gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

Mercury, your ruler, in your sign is retrograde, so you want t to think through your plans thoroughly. The full Moon can cause a sensitive topic to get even more sensitive, so if you really must go ahead and have a candid chat, think through what you want to say. Don’t do anything rash; there is more to come! Seduction Magic: Don’t assume anything – find out the facts of a situation.


cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

The emotional and changeable energy of the full Moon can be a game changer at work and also alter your daily routine. Venus the planet of love can put you in a direct line to meet someone wonderful – get out and about. By the end of the week you can expect your focus to shift from love to money, and lady luck is watching over you in both areas. Seduction Magic: An unexpected treat from or to your partner can heighten the love vibe.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

Venus will enter your sign at the end of the week, so get ready to love and be loved. You can connect with someone you have a mutual adoration with during this time. Looking for love? Join a few clubs you are interested in, business or personal, and you could just meet someone who speaks your language. Seduction Magic: If you love someone, be prepared to fight for them.


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

When you mix business and social it can put you in front of the right people for both love and work. Keep in mind that great opportunities in life often come from an introduction through people you know. When it concerns finances, you can never have enough knowledge of how to manage your money – listen to the experts. Seduction Magic: A friendly get together with friends sharing a casual dinner can lead to much more.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

Venus, your ruler, gives your social life a nudge in the right direction. When you schedule time to mix and mingle, you just never know what opportunist will arise – make the effort. Be mindful that Mercury is still retrograde so make sure you double-check the arrangements, especially if you intend to travel. Seduction Magic: When schmoosing is the name of the game, your culinary skills will win the day.


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

Love and money, when combined, can cause stress, especially if you do not have the ground rules set down. Make sure everyone knows what they are accountable for. For success, mix company and rub shoulders with those who have goals and are determined to achieve them, and by pass trivial time wasters. Seduction Magic: A love affair often starts with a love-potion-cocktail!


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

With the full Moon in your sign and the Sun opposite, romance can by hot and heavy now, and you could lose your head and heart in the clouds. Enjoy the moment, rather than get caught up with where something is or isn’t going. This is not the time to make any rash decisions – take it one day at a time. Travel is in your starts, and it is possible that you and your honey could be packing your bags together. Seduction Magic: When you are emotional, it reveals your softer more vulnerable side.



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

Mercury is retrograde, so chances are, your schedule is not going to go ahead as planned – be flexible – a change may just be a destined event. This is a perfect time to indulge in a personal image makeover. Venus is still in your love zone for this week, and you want to look and feel as fabulous as you can. Money matters can get a helping hand. Seduction Magic: If you want to stop doing what you have always done, then make a conscious effort to change.



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
You are quite capable of working solo, but teamwork is where the real work is carried out. The more contacts you make in life, the more powerful you can be. Venus makes her away to your love zone at the end of the week, get ready to embrace love into your life – this is a perfect time to get your love-plan in place. Seduction Magic: Organize a dinner date with friends, or perhaps agree to a blind date – when you move out of your comfort zone, magic can happen.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

It’s seems as if everything is important during this time, Pisces. Work will demand your attention, but so will family. But don’t be too quick to give your opinion to a family member; it may be wise to just lend a listening ear, for now. Business and pleasure are both high priority. Make sure you divvy up your time so no one is left out. Seduction Magic: If you make time for love, you could be pleasantly surprised.