Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope March 16 – 22, 2015

Check out this week’s Horoscope by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel. Tune in every week as Jennifer share’s details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play.

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March 16- March 22, 2015




Aries / March 21 – April 19 
Uranus and Pluto clear the energy for a new beginning. And with the Sun moving to your sign, signifying the equinox, as well as the solar eclipse, your life moves ahead with enthusiasm. And Mars in your sign gives you the motivation to follow through with your plans. There is excitement around your love life, too, and a dynamic connection can get your attention, be careful of being possessive though. Seductive Magic: Be sure of what you want before saying yes or no to anything. 



Taurus / April 20 – May 20
Venus, your ruler, enters your sign and brings love and romance direct to your heart center! For singles on the love scene, be yourself to attract the love of your life. Forget game playing and let someone special see the real you, and try not to keep any secrets. A new fresh start comes with friends, be open to what comes next. At work, adopt a flexible attitude and work as a team member. Seductive Magic: First impressions are powerful; make sure you show the vibrant person you are.



Gemini / May 21 – June 20
With relationships, leave the past where it belongs, under lock and key and forgotten. Lessons are there to learn from, not to rehash. And you don’t want to get bogged down with what happened yesterday, with the solar eclipse this week it brings a new start to your career and business world. Be passionate about your work and you will stand out in the crowd. An interaction with a friend can be the start of a creative idea. Seductive Magic: There is nothing more alluring than a positive attitude. 




Cancer /  June 21 – July 22
This is a dynamic time, and with the equinox this week and a solar eclipse, you can embrace new beginnings with open arms, especially when they are work related. Change can be confronting, but will empower you to achieve more than you think possible. Everything in life, including love is under review. The way you imagined your life to be can all change now. Seductive Magic: Keep an open mind and heart; life can better than before.




Leo /  July 23 – August 22

The people you mix with now can provide you with a new start. Unexpected money can line your pockets, and come from collaborating with others. Have a moment of extravagance, Leo, but don’t go overboard. Keep your wits about you at work; you can attract attention from powerful people. With love, a fateful connection is in the stars, and could be combined with business. Seductive Magic: You need an emotional connection to keep your interest.


Virgo / August 23 – September 22
With the solar eclipse in your opposite sign, a flirty glance or instant eye contact could be the start of a new love affair. There is also a new beginning for you with finances now, and working with other people can not only bring satisfaction, but also be financially positive. At work, timing is everything; let the pieces fall into place and follow your hunches to know when to make your next move. Seductive Magic: Let your heart make your decisions. 




Libra / September 23 – October 22

If you’re on the lookout for romance, adventure and passion, you’re in luck. Mars and Venus in your opposite sign, along with the Sun moving there this week, signifying the equinox, it is all happening for you in the love department, Libra.  The influence of the solar eclipse injects energy into your work life. And the interaction between Uranus and Pluto is a sign you need to get real about a family and personal matter. Seductive Magic: When life is challenging, it is changing –embrace what comes next




Scorpio / October 23 – November 21
You are on a fast track to victory at work, even if you do have to jump a few hurdles to get there. You are entering a new and exciting phase, but as always, with any change come a certain amount of upheaval. Keep your eyes and ears alert for a golden opportunity that could literally land at your feet. Don’t stress about money, follow your heart and the money will come. With love, look for a soul match and solid partnership. Seductive Magic: show your most sensual self. 




Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

There’s a new start with family, and you can all see things through different eyes now. When it concerns money, weigh up the pros and cons of a purchase before you hand over your hard earned cash. At work, you can connect with significant people to help you achieve your dreams. This is a perfect time for an image overhaul, too. Recognition can come your way for a new and different idea. Seductive magic: If your partner misunderstands you, find another way to convey how you feel. 




Capricorn / December 22 – January 19
This is a significant time for change! You can move ahead with courage and confidence as this week brings the last of seven squares between Pluto and Uranus, and finally closes off past difficulties, so you can start afresh. Couple this with the solar eclipse and equinox, and as you collaborate with others on projects, they can get the green light now. Family demands your attention and your love life gets a positive boost as well. Seductive Magic: You are perfect just the way you are. 



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18

On the love scene, a conversation with someone special can build a closer bond. There is a boost of energy in your money zone; the solar eclipse signifies a new start, however, make sure you see a situation for what it is, not what you think it could be. If you are waiting on money or business news, the energy of the solar eclipse can inspire you to take the next step. Seductive Magic: You deserve nothing less than an amazing relationship.




Pisces / February 19 – March 20
The amazing energy of the solar eclipse puts you right in the driving seat. You are the director of your own life and can design it any way you desire. Think big and be ambitious – anything is possible now, Pisces! If you are head-over-heels in love, watch out that your admiration doesn’t turn to obsession. At work, look to align yourself with people who have a direct link to the top, those who can help boost your bank account. Seductive Magic: Everyone loves to be loved – tell your sweetheart how important they are.