Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope May 19 – May 25, 2014

Welcome to the Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscopy by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel. Tune in every Monday for details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play.

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May 19 – May 25, 2014


AriesAries / March 21 – April 19 
Love and romance can look different when you broaden your outlook and change your attitude! A situation at home can open the doorway to gain a new outcome with monetary matters. To climb the ladder of success at work, prepare to step out of your safety net, and do something different. Seduction Magic: Allow your emotions to come to the surface, rather than shutting them off. 





Taurus / April 20 – May 20
A financial situation can get the green light. Over this period you could find yourself in the public eye so make sure you are on the best-dressed list. If you want to make a change in your life, particularly your financial life, everything is up for review now, take control. To develop a relationship, learn to love at a deeper level. Seduction Magic: Communication can get the attention of someone’s heart. 




Gemini / May 21 – June 20
Mercury the communicator, your ruling planet, in your sign along with the Sun moving in early in the week, marks the start of Gemini’s next twelve-month cycle. Review your goals, and set new dreams and ideals to achieve over this period.  Mars energy, passion and motivation, influences your love life and goes direct this week, clearing up a few matters. Seduction Magic: Love and lust are two different things – learn to recognize the difference. 




Cancer /  June 21 – July 22
Over this period you can transform your life! If you want things to be different in your personal or professional life, it’s up to you to take action, but some things will be out of your control. Before you make a final decision on something important, step back and wait for all the pieces to fall in place. Seduction Magic: Be optimistic, but also realistic, about love. 




Leo /  July 23 – August 22
Be hands-on at work and take the initiative to let others know you are in charge but don’t get too serious, life is not all about work. Moon energy can spike your emotions with a lover or someone close early in the week. A family or home situation will need your attention. Seduction Magic: Few things in life are worth getting annoyed about, lighten up and have some fun.


Virgo / August 23 – September 22
This is a crazed period of anticipation. Show your lovable side, but don’t give away too much information straightaway, a little mystery can be alluring. A situation with friends can get the go-ahead. At work, a discussion could take place – be professional to rise above co-workers. Seduction Magic: Enjoy the moment, without putting too many stipulations on a relationship.



Libra / September 23 – October 22

You want to be crystal clear when you discuss business matters, but more importantly, you need to know what you want. You have a chance to live your best life, but to do so, planetary aspects can challenge you to make changes. Money is positive, but think through the pros and cons. Mars in your sign goes direct, and Venus sends cupids arrows in your direction; get ready for romance.  Seduction Magic: Be your sensual self to allure a love mate. 




Scorpio / October 23 – November 21
Step back and look, listen and learn at work. This is a powerful time to connect with influential people who can help you move closer to achieving your grand plan. If you want love and romance to work, accepting someone for who they are is the key to move forward. Seduction Magic: Be upfront and say what is in your heart and on your mind.



Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Heavy-duty planetary aspects may have recently rocked your world. Life can change in an instant, so don’t get too caught up in how you think things should be, what happens next can end up being better than before. With love, watch what someone does as well as what they say. Seduction Magic: Actions speak louder than words, but you can tell a lot about someone by listening carefully. 




Capricorn / December 22 – January 19
Cast your dreams to the stars – anything is possible now, particularly on a career level. When it concerns a personal matter, be careful what you wish for. When you get your own way, there is generally a price to pay. Keep your dreams alive, good karma will come your way – you deserve the best! Seduction Magic:  Friendship is what builds a lasting love affair. 




Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
Take control and get the job done at work and people appreciate your diligence. However, look after your health, long hours at the office and a hectic party life can play havoc with your state of mind. A truthful word to someone can upset them. Seduction Magic: Honesty is great, but even better if you sugar coat it




Pisces / February 19 – March 20
Chose your next steps carefully, life, as you know it is changing. Planets combine to make a fresh start possible, especially with love and money. When you are in a situation of relying on someone else, make sure you let them know what your needs are, don’t expect someone to be a mind-reader. Seduction Magic: Self-confidence is an attractive trait.