Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope May 25 – May 31, 2015

Love is in the air. Gorgeous sunny days, spring flowers everywhere, boats in the water. Winter long behind us. Check out this week’s Horoscopes by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel for details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology HeaderMay 25 – May 31, 2015


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

Communication, or the way you communicate is very important this week. And especially as Mercury is still retrograde, you won’t want to make any assumptions about anything or anyone – double-check everything. A sudden change at home can have you rearranging your schedule – avoid difficult people and situations. Seduction Magic: Focus on the positive, and what you want the result to be.


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

Be careful with money. You will want to check everything; your bank account, transactions and even the change from the local store. It’s not that people will try to deceive you, but errors do happen. A discussion with a loved one can clear the air of a sensitive topic, but choose your timing and words carefully. Seduction Magic: When you are prepared to go the extra mile, it is noticed.


gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

Motivational Mars the powerful Sun and communication planet Mercury all in your sign can certainly make life interesting. Add in that they are interacting with each other, there is a real fusion of energy going on that will be difficult to ignore. It would seem things are changing, but as Mercury is retrograde, it may be best if you are a spectator for a while until you gain clarity of your next move. But one thing for sure, life is changing and the energy is moving you to your next phase! Seduction Magic: Self-confidence is a contagious quality.


cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

With a square between Venus in your sign and Uranus in your solar 10th house of career, something can come out of the blue during this time that can change what you do next. What happens next could be confronting but also exciting. Your intuition is always strong but right now it is hot so pay attention to what it tells you. Seduction Magic: Stay true to your inner heart dream.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

With Venus in the sign before you, many Leos will be thinking about their relationship and whether it is really what they want. Or perhaps you need to do a little spring-cleaning. Singles can get their love list together and gain clarity as to the type of partner they want to attract. Friends can be supportive but also challenging during this time. But they are likely to tell you how it really is, and honesty is refreshing. Seduction Magic: Everyone loves a beautiful surprise.


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

An abundance of planets and activity in your career zone sparks development at work and with business. There is a lot going on right now, but it may not all come together as you plan, so keep the schedule flexible and as Mercury is retrograde be open to checking everything. Friendships are important and a social event can introduce you to someone special. Seduction Magic: An intelligent conversation can lead to something much more.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

During this time, it would seem that work and love are very much intertwined, and what happens in one area of your life can alter the other area. And not that this is a bad thing, in fact, it can be very exciting, but you will probably not have much notice as to what happens next. Travel is in the stars, however, Mercury is retrograde, so make sure you pay attention to all arrangements to avoid a costly error. Seduction Magic: Surround yourself with nice people and only allow positive thoughts to attract the same!


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

Let’s face it, some people can be difficult, and if you encounter someone like this, you will want to walk away rather than react to their drama. There are a lot of influences now, Scorpio, and you need to stay focused on the important things in your life, particularly momentary matters. With love, get to know someone more before you move your relationship to the next stage. Seduction Magic: When you focus your attention on someone else and be totally present, nothing is more alluring.


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Love is in the air and your stars and if you haven’t felt the love connection yet, then stand by as it is coming. The only decision you have to make, Sagittarius, is can you give up some of your treasured independence to have an amazing relationship, and that is something only you can answer. Someone can step forward now to help you with money or give support or advice. Seduction Magic: If you have something or someone great in your life, devise a plan to keep them.



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

Communication at work is important now, and also it is crucial that you see a situation for what it is and not how you would like it to be. It is empowering to be idealistic, but good to throw in a pinch of realism as well. Your career can go ahead now, but with Mercury retrograde, a certain amount of time will be spent on waiting for others to respond. With love, remember, all relationships take work, other wise they wouldn’t be worth having. Seduction Magic: When you love unconditionally, you love with an open heart.



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
A discussion at work can reveal something surprising, but be careful of what you do with your newfound knowledge; Mercury is retrograde and as such it can be easy for information to fall on the wrong ears. Stay tightlipped, for now. A passionate exchange with someone can light the love fires – be open to what transpires next. Seduction Magic: When love has the attention of your mind, body and soul – take notice.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

Family matters are high on your agenda now, and a discussion can further develop a situation. But make sure you get the full story; with Mercury retrograde it is easy for miscommunications to happen. In other words, don’t do anything rash. Money and love can combine in some way, and it is good to sort out anything that is unresolved. Seduction Magic: You deserve the very best in life and that is just what you can attract. Be positive!