Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Stepping into 2016 with your January Horoscope – It’s a powerful time!

January is a powerful month that kicks off with plenty of action! It’s a month to get serious about your plans, but be realistic, and at the same time believe in your dreams, and banish self-doubts. The combination of Mercury retrograde, a powerful connection between the Sun and Pluto and a confronting square with the Sun and Uranus, bring things to a head. Suddenly, the way can clear for what comes next.  Jupiter also goes retrograde, Venus and Saturn put a realistic and long-term spin on things, and the new Moon in Capricorn, makes this a ideal month to get thoughts and plans in place, ready for action when the time is right. Venus moves to Capricorn causing a more serious note. With love you can settle down and with money, build security. At the end of the month, both Mercury out of retrograde and the full Moon in Leo, provide the energy to anticipate better things to come.

Check out the month ahead as the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel dishes her advice and details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology Header


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

Get ready to forge ahead with business but be flexible, Aries, two planets go retrograde this month, so there could be delays, but it will give you time to get more organized. Mercury retrograde in your career zone allows you to set plans in place and Jupiter retrograde in your 6th house will help you get systems in place to be more productive. But it’s not all about work, with Mars still in your relationship zone early in the month, love can be passionate, you will definite know it if someone wonderful has your attention. This month, aim for balance, and get your ultimate dreams in place so when the time is right you can go for it.


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

Passionate planet Mars will make his move to your relationship zone this month, and love and romance can get a whole lot more passionate for couples and singles can meet someone you have an immediate connection with.  The energy of the full Moon towards the end of the month can highlight issues at home and bring a situation to a head so you can deal with it. Get ready to take on extra studies. With Mercury retrograde, it is a perfect time to think about what you want to take on this year, remember, knowledge is power. You could also be travelling this month, but don’t take anything for granted, make sure you check the details.

gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde this month and as such, a promise someone makes could be delayed, but don’t worry, it’s likely to be late not cancelled. However, you may consider changing directions with your plans and Mercury retrograde gives you time to think about your next steps. With Venus and Saturn connecting in your love zone, the energy creates an opening to think about taking a relationship to the next level. For singles, this is a good time to deal with past emotional baggage and leave it at the curb. Action planet Mars moves to your day-to-day area of business, and can tempt you to take on too much – be careful that you don’t put yourself under too much pressure.

cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

New Moon energy in your love zone on January 9th, can open the cosmic doorway to find true love, but there are two planets retrograde this month, Mercury and Jupiter, so don’t make any sudden decisions based solely on your emotional state. When planets are retrograde, plans can enter the go-slow lane, so be patient, when the time is right things will fall into place – until then, enjoy the ride.  This is a great month for planning, particularly with business and money management. Stay positive, this year, your game plan can change, take it one day at a time, for now.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

Towards the end of the month, the full Moon in your sign is an indication that you can step into your own power! You can gain certainty now of what you want to do, and can discard anything in your life that no longer serves you in a positive manner. Focus on what inspires you to be the best you can be and move forward with confidence.  Your wellbeing and personal presentation is top priority, make sure it is how you want it to be; this is a good month to have an image overhaul. Think about what you want in life, not what you don’t want, and set good habits that will ensure successful outcomes. A connection between Venus and Saturn suggest that if you have a relationship decision to make, let go of the past and open up to a long-term arrangement.


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

Mercury, your ruling planet, as well as Jupiter, both go retrograde this month, and can pull back the pace on your plans, but it does make it a good time to get your thoughts, plans and strategies in place. You like to be organized, so in this sense, it will be a blessing. As the month unfolds, there can be changes to your original thoughts, and by the end of the month, you will be able to move forward in a more confident manner. However, it’s not all about work and responsibility, love and romance also play a significant role this month and you can get something settled at home and with family.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

As motivational and quick thinking planet Mars moves to your solar second house, the area of Money and possessions, you will need to be careful of making rash decisions when it concerns finances. And as Mercury is retrograde, it is likely that plans will be put on hold for a short time, and it will help build planning and thinking time with any choices you may feel pressured about. The new Moon on the 9th, in your home and family area, can highlight changes, too, which can provide more pieces to the puzzle for you to gain clarity as to the best move, plans and direction to take this year. As the month moves forward, life, as well as your love life, will start to fall into place.


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

It’s time to get organized, Scorpio, and with two planets retrograde this month, the energy will give you a little breathing space to do so. You can be very convincing when you want to, and this month, you can do the networking necessary to get people on your side.  When you know what you want, and usually you do, you can move forward with powerful conviction. Motivation Mars, your co-ruler, enters your sign and can pick up the pace in your life, but keep in mind with planets retrograde, there can be delays. Try not to force something before it is ready – it’s important to play the chess game of life, and things will fall into place as they should, when the time is right. And with Neptune and Mars interacting mid month, your attention can quickly switch to your love life!


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Your money zone, the area of material possessions is hot with activity, and although the influence in this area of your chart indicates a great new start, there can also be delays and some challenges to work through. This month, two planets go retrograde, Mercury and Jupiter, your ruler, and both suggest that it is a great time for financial planning and goal setting for business so don’t be in too much of a rush to put plans into action.  And if you have some unanswered questions, you can gain the clarity you need to make the right decisions for yourself.  Venus and Saturn both in your sign, meet up with a strong connection that can shift your attention from business to love with you considering trading in your freedom for stability.



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

There’s plenty of energy right in your sign to commence the year, Capricorn, and some of it will tempt you to push forward and some will make you pull back, but in the big picture it is all perfect. Changes at home can take place and love can enter a more permanent phase, or you can simply think differently this year about what you want and are prepared to compromise on. Action planet Mars will move out of your career zone, and for many, the pressure at work will subside, but as a Capricorn, you do tend to fill your time with new goals and responsibilities. Try not to do this, as January is a perfect time, especially with two planets retrograde, Mercury and Jupiter, to get plans in place. And the good news is, this year, and from mid January, your finances will start to look up



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
It is a month to get down to business, set your intentions and get clear about what you want to achieve. Two planets are retrograde, Mercury and Jupiter, so it may not be easy to put plans into action until a little later in the month, but it is certainty a powerful time to get organized, especially as you can reinvent yourself this year. With money, a connection with a friend or business colleague can step forward with help, advice or support in some way. Introductions play a significant role in your life this month, and it’s a good time to get out and socialize, after all, doing business with people you like is the icing on the cake. With the full Moon in your relationship zone, love and intimacy can be intense.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

As far as the people you associate with and do business with, this month, you can see the truth about people. If someone has a hidden agenda, you are likely to find out in some way, and if someone only has your best interest at heart, then his or her actions will be transparent, too. With two planets entering a retrograde transit this month, Mercury and Jupiter, don’t be surprised or concerned if there is a slow down on your plans, and use the time to gain further material so you can make more informed decisions. A monetary situation will need your focus to follow it through. Love and romance, can move forward in a favorable way, however, there could be delays on plans, but it will all work out so try to go with the flow. It is also a good month to let go of emotional baggage and past perceptions when it concerns your love life.