Top Ten Tips for a Great Valentine's Dinner at Home

Top Ten Tips for a Great Valentine’s Dinner at Home

Valentine’s Day is for lovers and we cherish the ritual of sharing this time with that someone special. So go all out to make this a memorable, seductive night. Here are ten tips for an unforgettable affair:

1. Dress for the Event – This is the perfect excuse to get all dressed up for each other. Go black-tie if you like or keep it casual but whatever you do – make an effort to set the stage with your attire. It will make you both feel sexy, amorous and ready for something special.

2. Gift for the Host/ Hostess. Everyone loves a gift and there is nothing wrong with entering the home with a bottle of champagne, a box of  chocolates and/or a bouquet of flowers. You can also consider a collection of finishing sea salts, a coffee table art book, or the latest release of his or her favorite CD.

3. Menu Planning – Plan for something special. A Valentine’s Day meal is meant to impress. Whether you cook dinner together, whip up a special meal to surprise your guest or order a special take out dinner – try to plan a menu that will please you both: Think lobster, crab dishes, slow cooked beef short ribs, tuna tartar, caviar, steak au poivre and so on. Spend time planning to perfectly balance your appetizers, the main course, a side dish, and dessert.

4. Music – Music will set the tone of the entire evening, starting with your time in the kitchen cooking, to cocktail time, to dinner and beyond. Prepare a play list or tune into your favorite online music network to keep the groove going all night long.

5. Cocktails – Once you plan your menu you’ll need to perfectly pair each course with a drink: an aperitif, champagne, a special cocktail, wine or prosecco.  There is something extra special about starting your romantic meal for two with a perfectly crafted drink like a martini with hand-chipped ice shards. Practice if you need (that is kind of fun in itself).

6. Ambiance. One your husband, wife or date walks in your home or apartment, greet them with a kiss and a glass of celebratory champagne to enjoy as they settle in. Music will be playing, lights dimmed, and the aromas of the wonderful dishes about to be served waft through the air (unless you are cooking together). This seductive background should be further enhanced by visuals cues like beautiful flowers, candles all aglow and an extraordinary table setting.

7. Gifts. Not everyone shares gifts on Valentine’s Day and that is quite acceptable. You are in fact spending money and preparing a pretty extraordinary meal to be savored and shared  – and for many that is very much appreciated on this global day of romance. If you do prefer to share gifts there are many options for homemade items to the standard box of chocolates and roses; jewelry, lingerie, cologne, or even the latest gadgets. Whatever you choose to spend and gift is up to you – try to give something personal; something that will touch there heart.

8. Presentation. So you’ve planned a menu you are excited about, you have drinks lined up, music ready to go and a beautifully set table. Now you want to think about how you will present each course. This is where you can take cues from all of those fabulous dishes you’ve been served at restaurant meals, or seen in food magazines or on TV shows. Spend time plating the dish – think about placing food on a banana leaf, creating height or presenting food with contrasting colors. You can garnish with a flower or herbs, or sprinkle cut chives or pomegranates like confetti over your dish.  Have fun with it and go for that Wow! factor.

9. Clean Up Time.  Forget about it! For this one night you can put your dishes in the kitchen and close the door. You want to keep the romantic buzz going and really enjoy each other’s time together. Just for one night its OK to get lost in each other and let everything else go. Wake up tomorrow and clean away.  OK I know there are those OCD types that would never let this go…. but you can try.

10. End the Night in Style.  After dinner, share a dance in the living room, on the rooftop or in your backyard under the stars.  Married or in a long term relationship? Pour another class of bubbly and head to the bedroom for act II. If you are on a first time date in your home – play it by ear, but by all means don’t assume anything. Just because you prepared and shared this amazing time together in your home doesn’t mean its a given door opener to your bedroom – unless of course he or she happily leads you there.

All photos above came for  our Pinterest Board. For more tips and recipes for a Romantic Meal for Two – Follow us on Pinterest: A Black Tie Affair for Two

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!