Valentine’s Day is for Pussies 

Valentine's Day

Says who? Feb. 14th is for love, romance… and, of course, sex! It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and take your significant other for granted. Valentine’s Day provides the jolt some of us need to stop and express our affection – emotional AND physical – and just let the dishes sit for a night. They’re not going anywhere.

kiss me

How do I love thee? List out your lover’s favorite attributes for them to read. Write them on a series of Post-It notes cleverly placed around the house, or fill a blank notebook with things you love about your special someone that they can flip through again and again.

Surprise! Plan an outing – whether just for an afternoon or for a whole week – without your partner’s knowledge. Make sure you take care of ALL the details, including securing their time off work and hiring the babysitter!

Live it up. Book a spa day together and enjoy being pampered in tandem! Or, for the more budget-conscious, create your own spa day at home. Light candles, turn on some relaxing tunes, take a bath (together, of course!) and then take turns giving each other massages.

Keep it simple. Sometimes the best thing to do is … nothing. Set aside a day, a night – or both! – to just relax. Turn off the phones and close the blinds, put on your comfy pajamas, order takeout, and veg out with a couple of books or a Netflix binge.

Do something risqué. Treat yourselves to a sexy indulgence: Head out to a burlesque show, go shopping for sex toys or arrange a boudoir photo shoot. Then go home and see what happens. (I think we all know what happens.)

“Falling in love is so hard on the knees.” — Aerosmith