Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Your 2015 October Horoscope – A Month of Transformation and Reinvention!

With three planets in Virgo, October is a month of reality and idealism – the perfect combination! Mercury comes out of retrograde. Uranus and Pluto spark change. The Sun moves from peaceful Libra to intense Scorpio. Jupiter and Venus interlock to focus your intention on the possibilities of life. Mars and Jupiter trine with Pluto and provide the determination to make your dreams a reality!  It’s a time to have a good look at your life, breakthrough emotional blocks and transmute onto the path that leads you to your destined life. It’s a month of transformation and reinvention!

Check out the month ahead as the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel dishes her advice and details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology Header


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

This an exciting time for Aries! However, it can also be uncertain and at times confronting. Pending changes can occur as a result of the interaction of planets and the energy can provide the trigger to move you to your next phase. Your career gets a boost, and someone can step forward to give you a helping hand, so watch for the sign of synchronicity – chance meetings. But don’t expect them to do all the work; it will be up to you, Aries, to drive your life in the direction you want to go. After the 10th, when Mercury is out of retrograde, is a good time to have a more serious discussion about your love life.  October is a positive month for you to stand in your own circle of power, and to do that, it would be beneficial to also pay attention to your personal image presentation and make sure you look the part.  


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

Towards the end of the month, the full Moon is in your sign, and if you have outdated situations or values, you can use this energy to make needed, and probably overdue, shifts in your life.  Communication planet Mercury comes out of retrograde, and after the 10th, you will feel more assured of putting your point across at work. You have a great deal to offer; don’t think no one wants to hear, but make sure you have their full attention before you offer your valuable advice. Arrangements that have been pending can get the green light now, and if you have been waiting for travel plans to firm up, then this month you could be packing your bags.  When it concerns your love life, if you have something to say, get straight to the point – your partner, or those you meet on the dating scene, will appreciate your candor.


gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

A family conference is in the stars this month. And although you may not be totally satisfied, or agree with the outcome of discussions, you will learn where people sit with certain decisions and choices you about to make, especially if it concerns your love life, or close relationships. It’s your life to live, Gemini, so stand firm with your decisions and follow through. A creative opportunity can present itself this month, particularly after the 10th when Mercury, your ruler, is out of retrograde. When it concerns creativity, you hold the power, Gemini, so don’t agree to anything until you are sure of all the details. You are well equipped to wing any situation, as you have the capacity to think on your feet, but when it involves money, you want to ensure you are remunerated is the manner you deserve. 



cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

The new Moon this month on the 12th is in your solar fourth house, and brings your attention back to the home base, and family matters. There can be a new start in some way, or a realization of what you want to, or need to, do next. And as Mercury comes out of retrograde, from the 10th, a discussion or news you receive can provide further insights and clarity. In love, look or a partner who is not only honest and trustworthy, but also sensitive in a way he or she understands and accepts who you are, the good and the bad. The full Moon towards the end of the month can highlight the truth about a friend, with further information about an incident being revealed. And with the energy of last month’s lunar eclipse still having an influence, a breakthrough at work is possible.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

For Leo, living well is a prerequisite, and to do so, you need to keep the bank balance topped up. And this month, it is possible to do business that will provide a good financial return. However, be careful not to do anything rash; with Mars in your money zone, at first glance, a deal can look better than what it is. And with Mercury retrograde until the 10th, keep in mind that you will need to go through any documents more than once and with a detailed eye. This is a month to be idealist as well as realistic. In other words, think big, but be prepared to negotiate in business and make compromises in your personal life. With love, it is possible to move a relationship forward into a commitment now, or reach a deeper level of love for couples.  


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

It is possible to realize some of your financial goals this month, however, with Mercury retrograde, if something comes through early in the month, keep in mind it may not gather speed until the 10th. And then on the 12th, an opposition between the Sun and Uranus can provide the trigger for changes to suddenly transpire. A project that ignites your creativity can also take place this month, however, you may need to make some allowances and change your original version for it to manifest.  Planet of love, Venus, will move to your sign on the 8th, and open the love gates, so don’t spend all of your time thinking of how to get ahead with business. With Venus and Mars both in your sign, you will want to make time for passion and romance.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

This month, the new Moon is in your sign on the 12th, and brings with it the energy of a new start where you can reassess where you are, where you want to be, and devise a journey to get there. Mercury, the communication planet, also in your sign, will be out of its retrograde transit from the 10th, and when this happens, you can feel a shift as if roadblocks have been removed. However, there could still be some issues to work through around the home or with family. Be careful not to get involved in someone’s power play, instead, steadily move forward through the correct channels. Stay distanced from any drama or disturbance that can only serve to distract you from everything good happening in your life. You can receive support form unexpected channels, so work with them to achieve your end game.


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

The Sun will move to Scorpio this month, making it a perfect time to review your life and consider changes you have made and further changes you want to put into place. Keeping in mind, that as you change, so do your goals and aspirations in life so this is good time to fine-tune them. You can make use of significant business connections this month, too. At work, things may not stay the same, but the result can be fresh energy and new ideas, both of which will inspire you to do and be the best you can be. The full Moon in your relationship zone later in the month can provide the trigger to discard oldsituations or attitudes that may be holding you back, and be replaced with something better and more suitable.The social area of your life is buzzing with activity making this a month to accept invitations – you just never know whom you may meet.


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

Cautious Saturn now in your sign for a further two-year stay, can have you thinking more about your security. In someway, you can feel restless as your independent spirit wants to fly as usual, but Saturn will tend to pull you back so you can focus on how you to set solid foundations in place that will endure the test of time. If you can knuckle down and get serious about work, you can achieve a great deal over these next few years. As Mercury is still retrograde for the first third of the month, be wary of dealings with friends that involve finances. However, on the other hand, business transactions can go ahead now in a favorable way. When it’s about your love life, don’t be quick to judge; there is always another side to every scenario, ask questions to find out the full story.



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

If you have been feeling that things have stagnated in your career, then you can blame it on Mercury retrograde. However, this will come to an end from the 10th of the month. Shortly after, on the 12th the new Moon in this same area, your career zone, can bring something new to your life, so use the first few weeks to get organized and get ahead with your work load. With work, try not to have any preconceived ideas of what you do and don’t want; keep an open mind and heart and see what comes through. A change, even a small diversion, could be just what you need to get inspired. Financial stars also look positive; a lucky break could very well be heading your way. But don’t spend all of your time at work and balancing the books; love and passion are very much in your star-chart now, too. Life is about balance, make time for love, and enjoy every moment as much as you can.



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
Venus sits in your love zone for the first week of October, so love is still very much in your stars, but not only that, this is an extremely passionate time, too. If you are looking for love, then get out and socialize, because this month, you can meet up with someone you have a definite chemistry attraction with. And with Saturn now sitting in your social area of friendship, the people you meet can stick around for a while, which will allow you to build relationships of substance. This is also a positive month for business connections, and you can find that people will be more supportive than usual. However, business is business, so make sure you have a good look at any proposition. Don’t allow yourself to be bamboozled with figures that very well could be elevated to look better than they are; the proposal can still be good, but you want to know the best and worst possible outcome, not just the best.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

As a Pisces, you love a good love story. You just love to be in love! And this month, with Venus, the love goddess, making a move to your love zone to join passionate Mars and abundant Jupiter, romance is the theme of the month.  But remember, you do have other responsibilities, so be present with your loved-one or date, get lost in the moment of romance, and then come back to earth. The energy of both the new Moon and Mercury coming out of retrograde mid month can shift a financial situation, which can finally get to the go-ahead, and in a positive way. So if you have been feeling that things are on hold, be patient, and stay the course, they will shift. Saturn has now taken up residence in your career zone for a two-year stay, and focuses your attention on building business for the future. You can now build solid foundations that will provide a good return not just for now but ongoing.