Seduction Meals Weekly Horoscope Feb 02 - Feb 08

Your Horoscope for August 2015

It’s August – the hottest month of the year – may your Horoscope be as hot and fulfilling! Brought to you by the Mistress of Astrology – Jennifer Angel for advice and details on how to best manage your relationships at home, work and play. Mistress of Astrology Header


Aries Aries / March 21 – April 19

The love bug can definitely bite this month; for singles and couples, clear the schedule to allow love into your life. When your mind and heart is open, magic can happen. A financial situation can highlight changes at home; a decision someone else makes can have you reevaluating what to do next. Teamwork is the key to success for you, now. Partner up with like-minded people and opportunities can present themselves, especially as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, moves to your area of work and productivity. This is a great month to focus on your health and personal image, too.


taurusTaurus / April 20 – May 20

Your home and family life is on the radar now, big time. Lucky stars and a new Moon send good news your way, and just when you need it the most something fabulous can happens that can have you celebrating. Stay focused on the positive and don’t get pulled into pettiness and someone else’s drama. Jupiter moves to your fifth house and shines a bright and loving light on relationships; love and romance can pull at your heart strings now an over this next year. There is nothing you can’t overcome now, Taurus, and there is more good in your life than bad so stay positive.


gemini Gemini / May 21 – June 20

An opportunity to boost your bank account can present itself this month, but don’t do anything rash, you want to ensure you have all the details on hand and that there are no hidden agendas or fine print escaping your attention. Stand up for yourself, and say what you need others to hear. You are brilliant at what you do and should ask for what you’re worth. When you do, others will also see your worth. A discussion with someone can clear up a misunderstanding on the love front. And as Jupiter moves to your home and family zone for a one-year stay, something amazing can happen at home during this time.


cancer Cancer /  June 21 – July 22

Money matters are top focus now and with an abundance of planets and planetary interaction in your money zone, you’re in luck, the stars indicate that your financial situation is about to improve. Mars in this area can put some urgency on getting organized, but don’t be in too much of a hurry, you want to think things through. And as Jupiter moves to your solar third house for a one-year period, you will want to visualize your dreams and goals and make sure every thought you put out is a positive one. You can make yourself heard loud and clear during this time. With love, a past situation can reappear this month, but be careful of mixing money and love, or at least be aware there could be complications in this area.


leo Leo /  July 23 – August 22

This month, positive and optimistic opportunities knock on your door, especially where money is concerned. There is a virtual planetary traffic jam in your sign, and although there are some challenges to overcome, your lucky stars outweigh everything else. So be positive and override or sidestep anything that does not appear to be going your way. It could be that there is a good reason for it and could be leading you in the right direction after all. With money, Jupiter moves to your money zone, for a one-year stay, so you need to be positive. The new Moon in your sign as well as Venus, indicate love is very much around you, but beware of reliving past love lessons. Expect the best and that’s very likely what you will get.


virgoVirgo / August 23 – September 22

Jupiter takes just under twelve years to go around the zodiac and spends one year in each sign. And this month, the planet of abundance and expansion will enter Virgo for that one-year journey, and while it travels through your sign, will bring opportunity, and optimism to your door. Watch for the signs of coincidence to know that you are travelling in the right direction – the path of your destiny. Your intuition is hot right now, so make sure you pay attention to it, especially where love is concerned, it won’t steer you wrong. And with the full Moon opposite your sign, in your love zone, you can alter a situation, if that is what you want.


libraLibra / September 23 – October 22

You can expect to be busy, busy, busy this month, Libra, and although your first impulse is to always be there for others, you really have too much going on in your own life right now to deviate from your responsibilities. Friends can step up to give assistance, and someone from the past can reenter your life over the next few months who can put you in touch with others who can be beneficial in some way. When help is offered, accept and say thank you. This is also a very social month, and if you are looking for love, a friend could very well introduce you to someone fascinating, or a past lover could reenter your life. Jupiter’s move will help you get gain clarity on what it is you want to achieve over this next year.


scorpioScorpio / October 23 – November 21

New and full Moon energy affects both your personal and professional life, and you could be in a position to make changes on some level during this month. Your career or place of work can present some challenges, but they will act as a catalyst to part way with anything not working for you greatest good and make room for something better to take place. So don’t get stressed and caught up in the pettiness of what goes on during each day. Instead, know that something better is on its way. Jupiter will make its annual move this month and highlight friends, contacts and social activity. And the full Moon at the end of the month will focus your attention on love and relationships.


sagittariusSagittarius November 22 – December 21

With Jupiter, your ruling planet, moving to your career zone, and a virtual traffic jam in your area of long range plans, this is a perfect time to get your goals set and thoughts together for the next year. Thing big, Sagittarius, don’t hold back, you want to stretch your imagination now and think in terms of, if you had no limitations, what would you do and wish for? Travel is in the stars now, too, and family affairs will need your attention towards the end of the month. For love, the more you can love and accept about yourself, the more you can accept and love someone else. Put the time in for self-work now and it will pay off for you.



Capricorn / December 22 – January 19

As Jupiter moves to your solar ninth house, the energy of this advantageous and abundant planet can set you on a new path, one that you have been dreaming about for some time, and it can all start to come alive now. Someone from the past can appear during this time, too, and revive a project you may have given up hope on.   Stay positive, Capricorn, life can change in an instant, and all of a sudden you are living the high life, and a life that is more purposeful. Passionate Mars still sends his energy to your love life early in the month and this energy continues through the month. A connection with someone you already have in your life, or someone you meet, or even a past lover, can set alight with flames of passion this month.



Aquarius  /  January 20 – February 18
Jupiter makes a move this month, and for you, Aquarius, you can expect over this next year for people to step up and support you, in all sorts of ways but especially in a financial way. But above all you can feel more supported generally and with Jupiter’s influence, your lucky stars can come through for you just when you need them to. There is a new start with love and relationships, however you may not get everything your own way. It may be that you will need to be prepared to make compromises at home and at work, but at the end of the day, they can led you to a better place.


piscesPisces / February 19 – March 20

Your life is hectic, Pisces, and with Mars also moving this month and to your area of productivity, there will be no let up on your schedule. So you need to be careful of how you spend your time and who with. Time is precious, and don’t be surprised to find yourself postponing, cancelling or side stepping some people and situations so you can stay focused and on track. But don’t neglect your image, you still want to look and feel fabulous now. Your love life will take precedence, too, as Jupiter moves to your relationship area, and as he will literally pull on your heart strings, you wont’ be able to avoid love, not that you would want to.