A Valentine's Day Recipe for Romance by SeductionMeals.com

A Valentine’s Day Recipe for Romance by SeductionMeals.com

Flowers, Food, Chocolate, Champagne and Music have long been the main ingredients to create the perfect recipe for romance. To make this a no-brainer we put together a quick guide for inspiration; so here’s one way to whip up a memorable Seduction Meal at home:

Romantic Dinner for Two Menu
Dim the lights and set your table with seductively displayed edibles:

  • TICKLE: Ginger Champagne Cocktail
  • FLIRT: Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail with Spicy Cocktail Sauce
  • SEDUCE: Calvados Kissed Chicken with Sauteed Apples and Mushrooms served with Laurent Perrier Cuvee Rosé
  • TEASE: A Trio of Sweets: Chocolate, Short Bread Cookies and Toffee

To get things started how about a classic –  Jumbo Shrimp with Spicy Cocktail Sauce. Serve your starter with a sexy cocktail like this Ginger Champagne cocktail.

Seduction Meals Starters

This simple to prepare Main Course will have you in and out of the kitchen in no time allowing you to spend more time with your loved one. Calvados Kissed with Chicken will do the trick!

Seduction Meals Calvados Kissed Chicken

Champagne, Chocolate and Flowers 

With one click of your mouse you can have three ingredients at your command. This Luxe Valentine gift set has you covered. Flowers, chocolate, and champagne are lavishly curated for your romantic evening in. A bottle of Laurent Perrier Cuvee Rosé sparkles beside a lush dome of Winston Flowers blooms; Heart-shaped shortbread cookies are joined by toffees and bars of chocolates.

Champagne, Flowers, Chocolate


Sexy Tunes

If Music is the key to the soul, create a playlist that is the key to his or her heart. Sultry tunes playing in the background set the stage for your romantic meal for two. Here is a list for inspiration.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/22838370″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”600″ iframe=”false” /]